Cycling in the Gap

A blog to chronicle my preparation for the Etape du Tour on July 10, 2006, which will include the basic bicycling stats, and stories mostly related to rides.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

83 miles on the road !

This past week included two sessions on the trainer, for a total of 1hr, 40 minutes.

And, one run and exercise session.

And today, as the title goes, I rode 83 miles.  On the Natchez Trace again.  Today, I did not wear my splint, but I did wear two gloves on my right hand.  Not once did I perform a normal right hand/rear wheel braking because my thumb and ligament is too sensitive still.  I did brake with the right hand a few times, when stopping at one of the rest stops for water and rest.  But, I support the hand only with the palm of the hand and the butt of the thumb - I keep the thumb outside the handlebar, not wrapped around the bar to the inside.  I did practice once braking easily in the normal fashion toward the end of the ride.  Not safe to do.

Avg. speed first 1/2 about 16.8.  Avg. speed overall 15.1.  A hot day today.

Total training miles to date then.

684 + 27 pedaling + 83 = 794 miles


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