Cycling in the Gap

A blog to chronicle my preparation for the Etape du Tour on July 10, 2006, which will include the basic bicycling stats, and stories mostly related to rides.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Time trial, 9 mile loop

Tuesday drove to park and began a ride about 7 pm or so.

First I rode the 5.6 mile loop, at a warmup pace.

Then did my best to post a good time on the 9 mile loop - approximate 9 miles.

My time disappointed me a little.  I did the loop in about 31 minutes.  Years ago I would do the loop in about 28 minutes.

No exercise Wed., Thurs.  Still at work Thurs. late pm.  Look forward to Friday pm.

Rec'd call from bicycle shop - they think the new compact chainring will work on my bicycle with its existing front derailleur.  But, I was surprised, the shop does not have a Phil Wood bottom bracket tool.  Phil Wood bottom brackets are about the best there are.  I have two tools and will be taking them by the shop Friday pm I plan.

Have ordered a bunch of stuff from Rivendell Bicycles, some of which is for the E'tape.


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