Cycling in the Gap

A blog to chronicle my preparation for the Etape du Tour on July 10, 2006, which will include the basic bicycling stats, and stories mostly related to rides.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Keeping fit

Rode a mere 30+ minutes late, then ran about 20 minutes. I saw my friend John at the ride location, chatted a while, then rode the 5.8 mile park loop. I felt pretty strong, relatively. I then rode down the Boulevard and back about 2-21/2 miles.

The run was fun. I thought about running the 5.8, but decided against it figuring it'd take me at least 50 minutes. A little too long. So, after a 10-12 minute run, I moved over to the golf course and ran about five 150 yard intervals up a small hill. It was after 9 pm when I finished.

Okay. Miles to date: 930.


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