Cycling in the Gap

A blog to chronicle my preparation for the Etape du Tour on July 10, 2006, which will include the basic bicycling stats, and stories mostly related to rides.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Another historic ride

Miles last week: 109
Miles to date: 461
Miles this week: 20
Weight: Guessing 156 lbs

Three rides last week. The one, Tuesday, 4/25, in previous blog post. I also rode Thursday, 4/27, another late after work ride about 18 miles.

Then, on Saturday, April 29, my brother and I rode from Nashville to Trenton, KY, via Elkton, KY.

This ride to Kentucky is a ride my brothers and I began doing about 12-13 years ago. How rewarding it is to ride from Nashville to Kentucky. By car, on the interstate most of the way, it's about 62 miles I think. The cycling route is not much longer, somehow. I think it's about 63 miles. So this is another ride that recalls earnest rides of years ago. In my own small world, a "historic" ride.

Now, our ride Saturday included an additional loop of about 12-14 miles or so.

The ride is also historic because it finishes at a house built about 1832. What a great place to finish a cycling ride.

So, how was the ride? Well, you can read my brother's blog for more detail. For me, I was happy to do it, though in the end the preparation, riding and returning home consumed practically all of Saturday. I did not budget for all day, and so, the end of the weekend arrived too early.

Sunday, no exercise.

Monday, yesterday, I forced myself to go ride. Oh, not that I did not want to, just as usual wondering how other stuff is going to get done. It got done, about 12:30 am Tuesday.

Still hoping to do a big ride in Chattanooga this weekend. Unlikely, but if all goes well this week, I get a lot of sleep. Not sure I'm ready for it though. Over 100 miles.


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