Another historic ride

Miles last week: 109
Miles to date: 461
Miles this week: 20
Weight: Guessing 156 lbs
Three rides last week. The one, Tuesday, 4/25, in previous blog post. I also rode Thursday, 4/27, another late after work ride about 18 miles.
Then, on Saturday, April 29, my brother and I rode from Nashville to Trenton, KY, via Elkton, KY.
This ride to Kentucky is a ride my brothers and I began doing about 12-13 years ago. How rewarding it is to ride from Nashville to Kentucky. By car, on the interstate most of the way, it's about 62 miles I think. The cycling route is not much longer, somehow. I think it's about 63 miles. So this is another ride that recalls earnest rides of years ago. In my own small world, a "historic" ride.
Now, our ride Saturday included an additional loop of about 12-14 miles or so.
The ride is also historic because it finishes at a house built about 1832. What a great place to finish a cycling ride.
So, how was the ride? Well, you can read my brother's blog for more detail. For me, I was happy to do it, though in the end the preparation, riding and returning home consumed practically all of Saturday. I did not budget for all day, and so, the end of the weekend arrived too early.
Sunday, no exercise.
Monday, yesterday, I forced myself to go ride. Oh, not that I did not want to, just as usual wondering how other stuff is going to get done. It got done, about 12:30 am Tuesday.
Still hoping to do a big ride in Chattanooga this weekend. Unlikely, but if all goes well this week, I get a lot of sleep. Not sure I'm ready for it though. Over 100 miles.
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