Cycling in the Gap

A blog to chronicle my preparation for the Etape du Tour on July 10, 2006, which will include the basic bicycling stats, and stories mostly related to rides.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Turning 38 miles into 52 miles

Today after work I rode with my brother John, another Etape-in-Training rider. My mileage about 18 miles.

He knew I'd ridden part of the Glenn Wanner ride Sunday pm. He also figured I rode more than the 38 miles I had reported for that ride.

And, as I re-figured myself, I can see he was correct.

The ride today was a late ride, finishing in dusk to dark. Car lights were on.

In addition to a ride through the park on the 5.8 mile loop, I did some meager intervals (heart rate 85-90% of max I think) on the Boulevard, as I waited for my brother because we took different routes at the top of three-mile hill.

Until next time.


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