Cycling in the Gap

A blog to chronicle my preparation for the Etape du Tour on July 10, 2006, which will include the basic bicycling stats, and stories mostly related to rides.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Fitting in rides

Miles this week so far: 25
Goal this week: 125
Weight: unknown

Two rides this week, through Thursday. One, a ride to lunch spot on Monday, for a total of four miles. Then, today after work, with my brother in Nashville, to the park and through the park.

Monday night a Idlewild Design board meeting. Tuesday night a visit to my old workplace, after work hours, that ended up lasting until 7/7:30. Wednesday a night of service at church. Tonight a homeowners board meeting was cancelled, and so I got to ride. I'm glad for it.

Extra activities continue through the weekend with a Friday night movie, The Gospel of John, as a part of our Awana ministry. Saturday, to my workplace for an Earth Day event. I might could ride Sat. pm about 4 pm. But I have another work-related event Sunday pm - I may bail on that one - which would keep me from riding Sunday pm. I don't like to ride Sunday pm anyway. So, I'm thinking to ride Sun. am, starting about 5 am, with a ride from 5 to 8/8:30. I have to start riding in the am some in order to get necessary time training. Anyway, a Sun. am ride would mean no Saturday ride in the afternoon.

So, my maximum mileage this week is looking to be about 75 miles, if all goes well.

The ride today with my brother was an okay ride for me. It's plain that he's as fit or moreso than I. Makes sense, as he has 500 miles training this year to my 287 or so.

My recent riding schedule has been 1/2 riding and 1/2 wishful thinking.

My brother and I await our status w/r/to Etape.


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