Cycling in the Gap

A blog to chronicle my preparation for the Etape du Tour on July 10, 2006, which will include the basic bicycling stats, and stories mostly related to rides.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Two County Metric (TCM)

Week of 4/9-4/15
Week's mileage: 109
Total miles to date: 262

The Murfreesboro Bicycle Club, along with sponsors, conducted the Two County Metric today. The two counties are Rutherford and Williamson.

My brother and I rode with about 250 other riders. Some did 31 miles, some did an extra 38 for a total of 100. We did the 100 kilometres.

This is, I'm sure, the earliest in the season that I have ever done an organized 62 mile ride. It may be the earliest in the season I've ever done a 62 mile ride. So that's good. Several (12?) years ago, I was training for the annual Caldwell County Bridge to Bridge cycling ride, held in September, and part of my training regime was to ride long rides early. In recent years, I've only managed to do long rides the several weeks before the BtB. The year I did long rides early, I thought it paid off when Sept. came and BtB. But, for doing the Etape, April 15 is not really early to be riding 62 miles.

A beautiful day. Rest stops at 22 and about 46. We spent a lot of time at the 1st one. Not so long at the second. The service at the stops was quite good, and the snack choices good.

This is one of the events that allow riders to use facilities to shower afterward. And, a post-ride meal is provided. Those are fun times, meeting people, talking about work, the wind, the hills, any unusual occurrences on the ride - some folks got stopped by a train at one point.

Let's see, I think my brother and I averaged 16.5 miles per hours. 3.75 pedaling hours plus 30 minutes or so rest stops. Not very fast.

A long way to go to be able to do the EdT.


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